Security - Data Editor for TrueSight
A series of permissions can be configured at group or user level to provide advanced control on what users are authorized to do within a particular Data Editor module.
These permissions must be set in the configuration file of the groups (either using the console or editing the <groupname>.conf files in $PRODUCT_HOME/security.
These permissions are :
Permission Name |
Expected Value |
Description |
<SlotName>DefaultValue |
Default value for the slot |
Can be used to set a default value to <SlotName>. Overrides values set at module level. |
Add |
0 or 1 |
Add/modify entries |
AllowFileUpload |
0 or 1 |
1=Allow users to upload files that will be stored under $PRODUCT_HOME/data/<module name>. These files may be used as external sources, etc. |
Configure |
0 or 1 |
Access the module configuration (requires access to InfoModule as well) |
ConfirmDelete |
0 or 1 |
Controls if a confirmation window is provided before deleting DDA entries. |
Delete |
0 or 1 |
Delete entries |
DisplayFilterMRL |
A MRL snippet |
Used to filter out some data from the “view/Delete” page. Should be (a) valid MRL condition(s) on DDA slot values. E.G. $THIS.mc_host contains “abcd” |
EnableEntry |
0 or 1 |
Enable an entry (requires setting the EnableSlot in the module configuration |
ImportExcel |
0 or 1 |
1 Allow user/Group to access Excel Import functionality 0 User/Group will not be able to import an excel file |
ImportExcelBlockOnValidationFail |
0 or 1 |
0 = excel import is allowed even if to-be-imported values fail to match the slot pattern verification fails. 1 = opposite. |
ImportExcelWithPurge |
0 or 1 |
1 Allow user/Group du purge data before Excel Import 0 User/Group will not be able to purge data before starting an excel file import |
MaskedSlotsForCreation |
Comma separated list of DDA slots |
Contains the list of slots that will not be shown at creation/modification time. Adds to the list of MaskedSlotsForCreation set at module level. |
MaskedSlotsForDisplay |
Comma separated list of DDA slots |
Contains the list of slots that will not be shown in the table view. Adds to the list of MaskedSlotsForDisplay set at module level. |
ReadOnlySlotsForCreation |
Comma separated list of DDA slots |
Contains the list of slots that will remain readonly at creation/modification time. Adds to the list of ReadOnlySlotsForCreation set at module level. |
Run |
0 or 1 |
Provides access to the custom context menu, if it is configured. |
View |
0 or 1 |
View the content of the table |