Module Reference - QuickQueries
The main configuration file for the Quick Queries module is $PRODUCT_HOME/config/custom/QuickQueries.conf. As for other configuration files, it can be edited from the ProactivePack console.
Parameter |
Description |
Default/typical value |
[QuickQueries] Section |
AutoCompleteValuesFetchWindow |
This parameter controls how far back in the past (in seconds) the database, or the reference cell, is queried to generate the list of values available for “autocomplete” when building QuickQueries conditions. The higher the value, the more “complete” the list of values will be, but this may impact the performance of the console when autocompletion is requested. |
864000 |
CellName |
Name of the reference cell to target for quick queries. There is no need to set CellName if its value is the same as in Global.conf. |
N/A |
CustomIntervals |
This field defines which numeric values are available for QuickQueries average reports. Several comma separated custom intervals can be created. A custom interval is built out of four or five colon ( “:”) separated fields. The first field is a label for the custom interval, which will appear in the console. The second field is the label for the unit used for the numeric value. The third field is a scaling factor for the numeric value. If the interval contains only four fields, the fourth field is the name of a slot that contains an integer value (e.g duration) If the interval contains five fields, the fourth and fifth fields must correspond to integer slot names (such as dates). The interval then corresponds to the difference (minus) between those two fields. For example: 1. CustomIntervals=TimeToClose:minutes:60:duration The “TimeToClose” numeric value is expressed in minutes. It uses the value of the “duration” slot (which is expressed in seconds). The scaling factor is therefore 60.
2. CustomIntervals=TimeToAcknowledge:minutes:60:mc_ack_time:mc_arrival_time In this example we imagine there is a custom date slot (INTEGER, representation = DATE) named mc_ack_time that contains the timestamp at which an event is acknowledged. The “TimeToAcknowledge” is the difference between the value of that field and the value of mc_arrival_time. The unit for graphs is minutes (scaling factor 60).
TimeToClose:minutes:60:duration,RepeatCount:total:1:repeat_count |
DBEventsTable |
Name of the event data table |
DBHost |
Hostname of the DB server |
localhost |
Used only for Microsoft SQL Server connections. Indicates if the connection to the instance is done over TCP instead of named pipes. |
0 |
DBName |
Name of the database |
DBOracleOID |
In case the parameter DBOracleUseOID is set to 1, value of the database OID. In that case, the DBHost, DBPort and DBName parameters are not used and the name resolution is based on the the OID. |
DBOracleUseOID |
Used only for ORACLE connections. Indicates if the connection to the base is done using the database OID (1) or using hostname, port and db name. |
0 |
DBPasswd |
Password to access the DB |
N/A |
DBPort |
Port used by the DB server |
3306 |
DBType |
Database type (leave blank for no database). |
none |
DBUser |
Username to access the DB |
N/A |
ExplodeListGraphSlots |
Comma separated list of event slots that are of type LIST_OF and should be processed as such (i.e. for each individual element of the slot value) |
ExcludedConditionSlots |
Comma separated list of event slots that are not used to build advanced conditions. |
ExcludedEventSlots |
Comma separated list of event slots that should not be considered for Quick Queries. The parameter must be placed under the [SQLImportParameters] section |
acl,credibility,mc_tool_time,mc_tool_suggestion,mc_event_model_version,mc_action_count,administrator,mc_acl,mc_notes,mc_operations,mc_notification_history,mc_bad_slot_names,mc_bad_slot_values,mc_history,mc_modhist,mc_propagations,(etc) |
ExcludedGraphSlots |
Comma separated list of event slots that should not be considered as pivots in graphs – typically that do not have a limited set of values |
event_handle,mc_ueid,msg,itsm_incident_number,duration,repeat_count,mc_tool_key,mc_origin_key,mc_timeout,date,mc_tool_id,itsm_ibrsd_date,itsm_incident_id |
MultiCellDB |
Useful only when events from multiple cells are stored in the database. In that case, if MultiCellDB is set to 1, a pseudo slot “source_cell” is available to query the database for the cell that stored the event in the database. |
0 |
PDFMailTemplate |
Path (relative to $PRODUCT_HOME) to the file that contains the template used to send PDF and HTML reports |
/data/QuickQueries/reports/MailContent/PPACKMailBody.html |
PredefinedTimeWindows |
A comma separated list of predefined timewindows that will appear in the drop-down list of predefined timewindows. What you can change from the default list is : 1. Remove any entry that you have no use for (attention – this is a global change that will apply to all users). 2. Add entries of the format previous<number>hour|day (e.g previous3 day or previous6hour ) If you add any entry of the format “previous<number>hour|day, make sure to create a label for it in the QuickQueries.conf file – see existing labels for examples. |
previous1hour,previous12hour,previous24hour,previous48hour,previous7day,previous15day,previous30day,runninghour,runningday,runningweek,runningmonth,runningyear,lasthour,lastday,lastweek,lastweekdays,lastweekend,lastmonth,lastyear,lastMonday,lastTuesday,lastWednesday,lastThursday,lastFriday,lastSaturday,lastSunday |
ReformatLogAndNotesInTable |
Flag indicating if mc_notes and mc_operations values should be reformatted in the event table views |
1 |
SlotsFromSubClasses |
List of subclass (relative to “TopLevelClass”) slots that can be reported against. The list must contain comma-separated pairs of the type CLASS:SlotName For example : SlotsFromSubClasses=PATROL_EV:p_instance,SNMP_TRAP:community_name Pay attention to the following : 1. Queries against “subclass” slots only work when using the database (cell queries will NOT work). Make sure that you create the corresponding columns in the database if you add “subclass” slots after you have created your database schema. 2. Class and slots must be declared in SlotsFromSubClasses using the BAROC casing (upper/lowercase) 3. In the unlikely case where you want to declare the same slot name for two different subclasses, then the slots must be of the same data type |
None. |
TimeWindowWeekStart |
For predefined timewindows using a “week” notion (e.g. “last week”, what day is the first in the week. |
Monday |
TopLevelClass |
Name of the top level event class that is queried for events. Change this value only if you use another custom root class in your environment. |
XLSMailTemplate |
Path (relative to $PRODUCT_HOME) to the file that contains the template used to send excel reports |
/data/QuickQueries/reports/MailContent/PPACKMailBodyXLS.html |
[SQLImportParameters] Section |
The parameters in this section are used by the database import scripts – not by the QuickQueries module itself. They are referenced in the next section |