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The « Quick Queries » module allows the easy generation of event graphs and reports. Reports can be generated transparently out of events stored in a cell, or events stored in a separate SQL database.

To run a quick query, you must define a time window (from date to date or using a set interval), and optionally additional conditions that the events must meet to be considered in the report. Once a time window and/or additional conditions have been defined for a given type of quick query, these can be saved for later re-use.

Types of quick queries are described in the table below.


Graph type


Use cases (examples)

Simple pie/Simple donut

Displays the distribution of a slot value (in percentage and absolute terms)

Distribution of events by severity

Distribution of events by customer

Ratio pie

Displays the percentage of events matching a specific condition

Percentage of events for which an incident was created.

Percentage of events with a closing time < 15 minutes

Simple line

Displays the evolution of the number  of events over time

Evolution over time of the total number of events

Evolution over time of the number of critical events for customer X

Composite line

Displays the evolution of the number  of events over time, one line per value of a given slot

Evolution of the number  of events over time, one line per customer

Evolution of the number  of events over time, one line per severity

Average line

Displays the evolution  over time of a numeric value  (duration, repeat_count, custom slot, or difference between two numeric slots e.g. dates) 

Evolution of the duration of critical alerts over time

Composite average line

Displays the evolution  over time of a numeric value , one line per value of a given slot

Evolution of the assignment time for critical alerts, one line per customer

Simple bar chart

Displays the number of alerts, one bar per value of a given slot (“Top N” filter available)

Top 10 of hosts sending the largest number of critical alerts

Top 5 of applications sending the largest number of PATROL events.

Composite bar chart

Displays the number of alerts, one bar per value of a given slot, grouping by another slot (“Top N” filter available)

Top 10 of hosts sending the largest number of critical alerts, grouping by severity

Average values bar chart

Displays the average of a numeric value, one bar per value of a given slot

Top 10 of the « duration » time, by customer

Ratio bar chart

For each value of a given field,  displays the percentage of events matching a given condition

By application, percentage of events with a duration < 15 minutes

Ratio diagram

Displays the evolution over time of a number of alerts and the number of those alerts matching a condition

Evolution of the total of alerts vs the number of non enriched alerts


Distribution of alerts along two axes, by severity, number of alerts, or both

Distribution of worst severity by application and technological layer

Table report

Event list

Table of all CRITICAL events that have arrived since the beginning of the week

Simple gauge

A counter of the number of events matching the query

Number of open CRITICAL events over the last 60 minutes

Ratio gauge

A counter (or percentage) of the number of events matching a subcondition between a broader query.

Percentage of non-assigned CRITICAL events over the last 12 hours.

Weather chart

A table showing indicators (typically sun/cloud/rain/offline) of the number of events for a particular slot

Realtime status of applications.

Summed values bar chart

A bar chart showing the total sum of numeric values, one bar per value of a given slot

Cumulated duration of events per application

Summed values line chart

A line chart showing thee evolution in time of the  total sum of numeric values

Evolution over time of the duration of events

Timestamps included in quick queries reports (e.g. in the table view) are shown in the time zone chosen for the web browser.

QuickQueries works against all slots defined at “EVENT” class (or whatever other class set in the “TopLevelClass” QuickQueries parameter) level.

The time window is for the “mc_arrival_time” value of the events.

How it works

Cell based queries

“Cell-based” queries are reports where the data is obtained from the target cell itself.

The application uses “mquery” commands in order to retrieve the information and no additional infrastructure is required.

SQL based queries

SQL based queries are built using data queried from an external database. In this mode, an Import Script (provided) must periodically run to ensure the event data are stored in the SQL database.

The database instance is not provided as part of the solution.