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Running replications

From the console

A replication task is simply executed by calling the “TriggerReplication” action from the task context menu :


From the command line

Once a replication task has been defined, it can be called from the command line. The task can be addressed by its name or by the mc_udid of the task entry in the DDAReplications DDA table.

The script is located under $PRODUCT_HOME/Tools/bin and uses the following syntax : [-h] -c <config file> { -t <TaskName> | -i <TaskUDID> } [-u username] [ -g groupname]

        -h this message
        -c <config file> : Configuration file of the DDAReplicator module
        -t <TaskName>    : Name of task to execute
        -i <TaskUDID>    : Universal id (mc_udid) of task to execute
        -u <username>    : Name of user executing script
        -g <groupname>   : Name of group executing script