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Creating a new module

You can create BigPanda Alert Tag modules as you need. Each module will point to a specific Alert enrichment tag in BigPanda.

You must have “Configure” access to the BigPanda Alert Tags module to perform this operation.

Navigate to ProactivePack Administration -> modules and click on the “plus” icon :


In the following dialog:

-          In the first screen, choose source "BigPanda" and DDA Type "Alert Tags"

-          Click “next”. 

-          In the second screen, choose :

o   The name of the BigPanda Alert Tag you want to manage.

-          Click next

-          In the last screen, enter :

o   The functionality of the module – this sets the “main” menu entry within which the module will be created

o   The name of the module.


After the module is created, it can be used directly, or configured  further.