Monitoring Configuration
Monitoring Catalog |
The monitoring catalog contains a certain number of monitoring models. The out-of-box monitoring catalog contains monitoring models for frequently encountered situations. A specific permission is required to manage the Monitoring Catalog -see section. |
Monitoring Model |
A monitoring model contains the definition of a monitoring configuration, as well as the definition of the arguments that must be supplied to create an actual monitor. Monitoring models are created by “templatizing” an existing TrueSight CMA infrastructure policy. The CMA infrastructure policy is exported in a XML file, then, through simple edits, it is transformed into a template where input arguments can be provided at runtime by the user. For more details, see next section. Access permissions can be set for each monitoring template of the catalog – it is therefore possible to restrict which ProactivePack user groups can use which monitoring template(s). |
Host Group |
A Host Group groups together devices that are the target of the same monitors. In the Self-Service Monitoring Portal, each Host Group corresponds to a TrueSight CMA infrastructure policy that applies a given tag (the Host Group name) to the devices provided as agent selection criteria. Host Groups should be managed only using ProactivePack. Although Host Groups appear in the CMA as any other policy, they contain ProactivePack data (under the form of pconfig variables) that are necessary to the Self-Service Monitoring Portal. Direct edition of those policies in the CMA should be avoided. |
Monitoring template |
A monitoring template is a TrueSight CMA infrastructure policy that contains one or more monitoring configuration(s) created based on the monitoring templates contained in the monitoring catalog. Monitoring templates should be managed only using ProactivePack. Although monitoring policies appear in the CMA as any other policy, they contain ProactivePack data (under the form of pconfig variables) that are necessary to the Self-Service Monitoring Portal. Direct edition of those policies in the CMA should be avoided. |
Use cases overview
Configuration tasks are broken down in simple use cases.
Use Case |
Use for |
Subscribing/unsubscribing a host to a monitoring template |
Managing the thresholds for a given device |
Creating and managing lists of devices that should be grouped together |
Subscribing/unsubscribing a host group to a monitoring template |
Adding and managing monitors contained in monitoring policies |
Assigning permissions to monitoring models Creating/managing monitoring models |
Restricting access to the policies that can be used in the above use cases. |
Manage monitoring by host
The single-entry point to manage monitoring by host is the “Manage monitoring by host” tile in the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal menu.
Accessing this use case requires to have the UseCaseDeviceAddMonitorToHost permission.
In the dialog and upon the selection of a given device:
- The list of templates to which the device is subscribed will appear in the upper section
- The list of templates to which the device may subscribe will appear in the lower section.
i Notes
1. The following permissions control which templates can be viewed, subscribed and unsubscribed. See Security section.
- SubscribeDeviceToAllMP
- SubscribeDeviceToGlobalMP
- SubscribeDeviceToGroupMP
- SubscribeDeviceToNonPAPMP
- ViewNonPAPMP
2. In addition, permissions may be set on individual templates, see Template permissions
3. If the agent on the device does not have the required products (knowledge modules) to correctly use a template, this template will not be available for subscription.
Manage device thresholds
The single-entry point to manage device thresholds is the “Manage Device Thresholds” tile in the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal menu.
Accessing this use case requires to have the UseCaseDeviceThresholds permission.
The page that opens shows the Host Groups already created in ProactivePack and visible to the user.
The page displays the currently defined thresholds, and if permissions are provided, agent and/or server thresholds can be added/modified/deleted.
i Notes
1. The following permissions control access to thresholds. See Security section.
- ManageServerThresholds
- ManageAgentThresholds
2. In addition, permissions may be set on individual templates, see Template permissions
Manage Host Groups
The single-entry point to manage host groups is the “Manage Host Groups” tile in the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal menu.
Accessing this use case requires to have the UseCaseManageHostGroups permission.
The page that opens shows the Host Groups already created in ProactivePack and visible to the user.
i Notes
The following permissions control access rights to the management of houst groups. See Security section.
- ViewAllLG
- ViewGroupLG
- ViewGlobalLG
- ManageAllLG
- ManageGroupLG
- ManageGlobalLG
Host Group management
Use the “Host Groups” page and use the context menu of the Host Group:
Members |
Displays the devices part of the Host Group |
Entry Details |
Displays the full dump of the underlying CMA policy |
Enable/Disable |
Enables/Disables the Host Group |
Delete |
Delete the Host Group – Action is only available if Host Group is disabled |
Modify |
Opens the Host Group editor. If the Host Group is then saved using another name, a copy of the Host Group will be created |
- Press the “Create a Host Group” button
- Using the “Filtering” section, set the conditions that the devices must match to be included in the Host Group
You must set and apply at least one condition for the creation of the Host Group to be allowed
- Optionally use the “Selection” columns to display other information on the devices you want to select.
- Once the conditions are set according to your need, click on “Save Host Group”. A popup will appear to provide a name, description and scope to the Host Group :
Host Group |
Mandatory. A short name for the Host Group. The value will be used to tag the target agents, and will also be used to provide a name to the corresponding CMA policy |
Description |
Mandatory. The value will be used to set the tag description on the target agents, and will also be used to provide a description to the corresponding CMA policy |
Associated Console Group |
Optional. A comma-separated list of TrueSight Presentation Server groups that will be created when the host group is created. |
Scope |
Determines the scope (visibility) of the Host Group. The choices that are available depend on the user permissions. - Group : Only members of the user’s group will be able to use this Host Group. - Global : All users will be able to use this Host Group. |
Group ownership |
The user group to which this host group will be associated. Useful if admins create the host groups but want to delegate their usage to other groups. |
Manage monitoring by host group
The single-entry point to manage monitoring by host group is the “Manage monitoring by Host Groups” tile in the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal menu.
Accessing this use case requires to have the UseCaseAddMonitorToGroup permission.
The dialog that opens will let you select
- HostGroups that you are entitled to manage. Buttons (see capture below) let you visualize the content of each group.
- TrueSight tags, if you have the permission ViewNonPAPTags.
Upon the selection of a given host group or tag:
- The list of templates to which the host group/tag is subscribed will appear in the upper section
- The list of templates to which the host group/tag may subscribe will appear in the lower section.
i Notes
1. The following permissions control which templates can be viewed, subscribed/unsubscribed. See Security section.
· ViewNonPAPTags
· ViewNonPAPMP
· ViewAllLG
· ViewGroupLG
· SubscribeGroupToAllMP
· SubscribeGroupToGlobalMP
· SubscribeGroupToGroupMP
· SubscribeGroupToNonPAPMP
· SubscribeNonPAPTagToAllMP
· SubscribeNonPAPTagToGroupMP
· SubscribeNonPAPTagToGlobalMP
· SubscribeNonPAPTagToNonPAPMP
2. In addition, permissions may be set on individual templates, see Template permissions
Manage Monitoring Templates
The single-entry point to manage Monitoring Templatesis the “Manage monitors” tile in the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal menu.
Accessing this use case requires to have the UseCaseCreateNewMonitor permission.
- Press the “Create a new Monitoring Template” button in the Monitoring Templages page.
- Among the authorized monitoring models available in the drop-down, choose one model.
- Enter Policy name, description and scope:
Policy Name |
Mandatory. A short name for the monitoring policy. The value will be used to provide a name to the corresponding CMA policy |
Description |
Mandatory. The value will be used to provide a description to the corresponding CMA policy |
Scope |
Determines the scope (visibility) of the monitoring policy. The choices that are available depend on the user permissions. - Group : Only members of the user’s group will be able to use this Monitoring Policy. - Global : All users will be able to use this Monitoring Policy. |
- Fill in the input (if applicable) to the monitors in the rest of the form.
- Press on “Add” to create the policy with the monitor you selected.
For Monitoring Policies :
Policy Details |
Displays the full dump of the underlying CMA policy |
Policy Subscriptions |
Displays the Host Groups and tags currently subscribed to that monitoring policy |
Enable/Disable |
Enables/Disables the Monitoring Policy |
Delete |
Delete the Monitoring Policy – Action is only available if Host Group is disabled |
Add a new monitoring |
Add a new monitoring template to the policy – opens the dialog to enter input values for htat template. |
Edit |
Allows changing the name, description or scope of the policy |
For solutions:
Add <XYZ > |
Allows adding a new instance of the same template |
Modify |
Allows enabling/disabling of the solution |
Manage Thresholds |
Opens the thresholds management dialog for the current Monitoring Policy |
Delete this solution |
Removes the entire solution from the current Monitoring Policy |
For other items (below solution level) :
Modify < XYZ > |
Modify the selected instance |
Add < XYZ > |
Add an instance of the next level to the selected instance |
Delete < XYZ > |
Delete the current instance |
i Notes
1. The following permissions control which templates can be viewed, subscribed/unsubscribed. See Security section.
- ViewAllMP
- ViewGroupMP
- ViewGlobalMP
- ManageAllMP
- ManageGroupMP
- ManageGlobalMP
2. In addition, permissions may be set on individual templates, see Template permissions
Manage Monitoring Catalog
The single-entry point to manage the monitoring catalog is the “Manage monitoring catalog” tile in the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal menu.
Accessing this use case requires to have the UseCaseManageMonitoringCatalog permission.
The dialog that opens shows the list of monitoring models that exist in the catalog.
For each model :
The icon indicates that the model comes out-of-box. These models cannot be edited/deleted.
The icon indicates that the model is custom. These models can be edited/deleted.
Introduction to models
Each monitoring catalog model is defined within a XML file under
Each model contains :
- Some general data such as the name and description of the template
- One or more <monitor> section(s) (one per monitoring configuration added in the template used as the model – at this stage only one monitor per model is supported).
o Each <monitor> section contains :
§ A <solution> section that must not be edited and describes the monitor type in use
§ A <output> section that contains the list of pconfig variables and values that make up the monitor.
In the <output> section, pconfig variable names and values may contain input tags. These are the “variables” that the user will be able to type in when creating a monitor.
§ A <input> section. For each input tag found in the <output> section, a definition must exist in the <input> section. Input tags are described in more details below.
Partial Example :
<label>Host Name</label>
<tooltip>Logical name and label for the process</tooltip>
<regex_match>Cannot be empty:/.+/</regex_match>
Input tags
Name |
Description |
Example |
datatype |
Mandatory. Indicates the data type of the input. Can be (type is case-sensitive): STRING INTEGER ProactivePack_YESNO (for Booleans) TrueSight_PATROL_SEVERITIES : Associative array to map PATROL severities to internal codes : 1 => "NONE" 2 => "OK" 3 => "WARN" 4 => "ALARM" |
defaultvalue |
Optional. Default value of the attribute |
datasource |
Optional. Allows to use an external source to restrict or suggest possible values. The specification of External Sources is defined in the Data Editor module, section "Sources Definitions" |
Cmd:./data/ |
label |
Optional. Label of the attribute, as will appear on screen |
tooltip |
Optional tooltip to help users while typing input |
regex_match |
Optional regular expression that must be matched by the input value for the input to be accepted. Specification is defined in the "Data Editor "module |
Cannot be empty:/.+/ |
level |
Mandatory. Indicates the “depth” of the input tag in the pconfig structure. All relevant pconfig variables used in CMA have 3,5,7 or 9 “parts” separated by slashes. A pconfig variable with 3 parts has level 1, a pconfig variable with 5 parts has level 2, and so on :
The “longest” pconfig variable in the <output> section of the template determines the template maximum level A template must contain an input tag for each level, up to the maximum level found in the template. |
key |
Mandatory. Boolean (yes or no) indicating if the input is a key. For each level of the template, there must be one (and only one) input tag set as key (typically an input tag found in the pconfig variable name). For each level of the template, there may be zero or more input tags set as non-key (typically an input tag substituted for a pconfig variable value) |
hidden |
Boolean (yes or no). Indicates if the input tag is hidden. If it is hidden, its default value (see above) will be used. |
displaymode |
Optional. Can be basic (default), advanced or expert. Dictates in which template filter the field appears. |
basic, advanced, expert |
Creating a new template
Use the following procedure to create a new monitoring catalog template
1. Create a CMA policy.
Using TSOM or BHOM CMA, create a CMA infrastructure policy, using the following guidelines :
- It should only contain a single monitoring entry
- It should not contain any other configuration information (thresholds, filtering, polling intervals, variables, agent configuration, etc)
Name, precedence, tenant, agent selection criteria will not be used and do not matter.
2. Create the template
Using ProactivePack, navigate to the Monitoring Catalog page, press “create new template”, select the policy created above and create the template. If you create the template just after creating the policy, you may need to refresh your browser before the policy can appear.
Once the template is created, it should be edited to match your exact needs
3. Template edition – Label and description
Locate the template file :
Open it using your favorite text editor.
In the top level section, you may edit the label and description to suit your needs.
4. Template edition – prerequisites
Prerequisites can be defined in the monitoring model to control on which target devices the model can be applied.
Prerequisites can be arbitrarily complex and can combine conditions on any Self-Service Monitoring Portal dimension (OS, agent version, IP address…).
Prerequisites are defined within the unique <prerequisites></prerequisites> block of the XML.
Under this <prerequisites></prerequisites> stanza, multiple <prerequisite></prerequisite> blocks can be defined. I there is more than one such block, they are logically OR’ed together (i.e if one <prerequisite><prerequisite> block is satisfied, the model can be applied).
Within a single <prerequisite</prerequisite> block, multiple table conditions can be defined and are logically AND’ed together.
A table condition is defined on one Self-Service Monitoring portal table, and includes one or more conditions on the table columns.
See example below :
XML Configuration |
Prerequisite Bloc |
Explained configuration |
Installed product : Agent like 5.4.% AND Os on Device like Windows% AND serverVersion is like 5.4% |
OR |
Installed product : Agent 6.0.* AND Os on Device like Windows% AND serverVersion is like 6.0% |
5. Template Edition – Output section
In the <output> section of the file :
- Locate all “variable” parts that should be entered by the user when creating a monitor (hostnames, object names & labels, process names, instances…)
- For each of those “variables” (some of this is done for you already), replace their value using an input tag ( format @somestring@).
6. Template Edition – Input section
In the <input> section of the file :
- Ensure there is an input tag definition for each of the input tags present in the <output> section.
- Each input tag is defined in XML as follows :
<defaultvalue> </defaultvalue>
<label>Input Tag Label</label>
<tooltip>Input Tag Tooltip</tooltip>
<regex_match>Cannot be empty:/.+/</regex_match>
Manage Template permissions
The single-entry point to manage template permissions is the “Manage template permissions” tile in the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal menu.
Accessing this use case requires to have the UseCaseManagePolicyPermissions permission.
The dialog can be used to restrict access (i.e. prevent them from being used/edited) in the "Manage monitoring by host", "Manage monitoring by host group" and "Manage Monitoring Templates" use cases.