Module reference - Test Manager
Parameter |
Description |
Default/typical value |
[TestManager] section |
AutoBackup |
Automatic backup of test sets when they are edited |
1 |
Functionality |
Main navigation menu entry |
Test Manager |
[BHOM] section |
BarocExcludedSlots |
When sending events defined in a BAROC file, the slots listed here will not be considered. |
event_handle,mc_ueid,acl,credibility,mc_tool_time,mc_tool_suggestion,mc_event_model_version,mc_action_count,administrator,mc_notes,mc_operations,mc_acl,mc_notification_history,mc_bad_slot_names,mc_bad_slot_values,mc_history,mc_modhist,mc_propagations,mc_collectors,mc_abstraction,mc_abstracted,mc_associations,mc_cause,mc_effects,mc_event_relations,mc_relation_source,mc_smc_priority,mc_smc_effects,pn_detail_diag,pn_detail_diag_count,source,sub_source,hostname,origin,sub_origin,server_handle,acl,credibility,msg_catalog,msg_index,num_actions,mc_it_mgmt_process,ov_id |
defaultSourceIdentifier |
Value of the SourceIdentifier slot value when sending events to BHOM |
ProactivePack |
[BigPada-XXX] section (Create a section for each BigPanda integration that you want to use in Test Manager. "XXX" must be substituted with the exact name of the integration in BigPanda |
AppKey |
API key for the integration |