Module reference - SMP
Parameter |
Description |
Default/typical value |
[SelfServiceMonitoringPortal] section |
ExpirationAge |
Information age in DB. Once data is oldest than this age, information can be considered as obsolete. ExpirationAge can be set for each PostgreSQL table such as: ExpirationAgeDevices=3600 ExpirationAgeAdditionnalInfos=86400 This setting is used by ‘Delete old data’ feature |
86400 |
BackEndExpirationAge |
Delay in seconds after which the backend change is deleted. |
3600 |
HistoryDataExpirationAge |
Information age in DB in seconds. Once history data is oldest than this age, information can be considered as obsolete and deleted. |
2678400 |
Name of the PostgreSQL database acting as the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal repository |
ProactivePack |
PGSHost |
Hostname/IP address of the ProactivePack PostgreSQL server |
localhost |
PGSPasswd |
Password of the ProactirePack PostgreSQL user |
postgres (The password will be encrypted when saving the configuration) |
PGSPort |
Port of the ProactivePack PostgreSQL server |
5432 |
PGSUser |
Name of the ProactirePack PostgreSQL user |
postgres |
PDFMailTemplate |
Path (relative to $PRODUCT_HOME) to the file that contains the template used to send emails for SMP PDF reports |
/data/SelfServiceMonitoringProtral/reports/MailContent/PPACKMailBody.html |
XLSMailTemplate |
Path (relative to $PRODUCT_HOME) to the file that contains the template used to send emails for SMP XLS reports |
/data/SelfServiceMonitoringProtral/reports/MailContent/PPACKMailBodyXLS.html |
SMPMailTemplate |
Path (relative to $PRODUCT_HOME) to the file that contains the template used to send emails for SMP reports |
/data/SelfServiceMonitoringPortal/reports/MailContent/PPACKMailBodySMP.html |
[TrueSight] section |
Active |
Indicates whether TrueSight is a source for the Self-Service Monitoring Portal. Do not change this value |
1 |
DevicePolicyPrecedence |
Precedence of device specific policies when created by ProactivePack |
10 |
Name of the TrueSight PostgreSQL database |
truesight |
PGSHost |
Hostname/IP address of the TrueSight PostgreSQL server (identical to TrueSight Presentation Server hostname) | |
PGSPasswd |
Password of the TrueSight PostgreSQL user |
Postgres (The password will be encrypted when saving the configuration) |
PGSPort |
Port of the TrueSight PostgreSQL server. Do not modify. |
5432 |
PGSUser |
Name of the TrueSight PostgreSQL user. Do not modify. |
postgres |
ServiceModelCells |
Name of the cell where Cis are published |
Pncell_<hostname> |
RESTAPIAuthenticationTokenDuration |
7200 |
Tenant |
Default tenant in TrueSight |
"BmcRealm" |
Group |
Default group for monitoring policy & Host Groups creation |
"Administrators" |
Password |
Password of the TrueSight user that has webservices and administrative-level access to the TrueSight server |
admin12345 (The password will be encrypted when saving the configuration) |
User |
Name of a TrueSight user that has webservices and administrative-level access to the TrueSight server |
"admin" |
CheckKMPResenceOnAddMonitor |
Enables / Disables KM presence check when adding a monitoring |
0 or 1 ; default is 0 and is currently the recommended approach. |
DeviceFilterCondition |
An optional SQL condition to filter out some TrueSight devices from the query. Typically used to filter out devices that have been published from the CMDB but are not actively monitored |
“ipaddress” != ‘’ |
[TrueSight_ExternalSources] section |
<DimensionName> |
Call to external source for this dimension |
Application="function:TrueSightGetPostgreSQLApplicationsForDevice" |
<DimensionName>_url |
Build a clickable ling on dimension: in |
Parameter_url="function:GetTrueSightGetTSPSMetricUrl" |
[BatchDBImport] section |
ProactivePackUser |
Name of a user who can authenticate into ProactivePack and can access the SelfServiceMonitoringPortal module |
admin |
ProactivePackPassword |
Password of that user. Password will be encrypted when the module configuration will be saved |
Admin12345 |
LogResultToFile |
Boolean (0 or 1) - Indicates whether execution results/messages are logged to a file |
1 |
LogResultFile |
Path to the logfile used by the import script |
"../../log/Self-Service Monitoring PortalDBImport.log |
LogResultFileSize |
Maximum size (in bytes) after which the logfile is rotated |
5242880 |
LogResultFileNumber |
Number of rotated logfiles kept |
5 |
SendResultAsEvent |
Boolean (0 or 1) - Indicates whether execution results/messages are sent to the cell specified in the “SendResultCell” parameter |
0 |
SendResultCell |
Name of the result cell to use |
ResultEventClass |
The name of the event class used to notify the “SendResultCell” of execution results. Case sensitive. |
PROACTIVEPACK_Self-Service Monitoring Portal_IMPORT_EV |
AuthentType |
Authentication header prefix when direct authentication to ProactivePack is used. |
Basic |
ImportTaskTimeout |
Timeout (in seconds) for each step of the batch import. May need to be increased for large environments. |
900 |