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Data Editor is an open, versatile module that provides:

·         Web-based create/update/delete capability on any cell DDA table.

·         Web-Based create/update/delete capability on DDEN tables (DDEN_MATCH_TABLE)

·         Web-based create/update/delete capability on “hybrid” tables – subclasses of BEM_MATCH_TABLE that use classic DDA slots in addition to input_match & output_expressions mechanisms.

·         Excel import/export capability on cell DDA tables.

·         Powerful input assistance: generation of custom drop-down lists, input validation


How it works

The Data Editor uses “mclassinfo” to retrieve the DDA definitions and “mquery”/”mposter” to query/post data from/to the DDA table.

In addition, files or script output can be used to generate the list of possible values for a particular field of the DDA.

The Data Editor does not work until it has been configured to point to a specific DDA table on a specific cell.

You can either use the Data Editor module directly (i.e. configure the Data Editor to contain the name of the cell/DDA to edit), or you can create as many “virtual” modules as you need for each cell/DDA pair that you want to make accessible through ProactivePack. Each “virtual” module will appear as a separate entry in the ProactivePack menu. Creating a virtual module can be done from the console.

Please note that the Data Editor module only works with leaf data classes (i.e. classes without subclasses).

DDA types

The first step in the creation of a DDA module consists in choosing the type of DDA that the module will manage.


DDA Type

Use to…


Manage any regular DDA table that is NOT using the input_match/output_expressions mechanisms of the BEM_MATCH_TABLE class


Manage dynamic enrichment entries of a given dynamic enrichment policy. You will have to supply the data tag used by that policy.


Manage a custom table, subclass of BEM_MATCH_TABLE, that mixes both classic DDA slots with the input_match/output_expressions mechanisms.