Creating a new module
You can create as many new “virtual” Data Editor modules as you need. Each virtual module will point to a specific cell and table.
You must have “Configure” access to the Data Editor module to perform this operation.
In the following dialog :
- In the first screen, choose :
o The target cell containing the DDA table that must be managed
o The type of module you want to create (classic, DDEN, hybrid)
- Click next
- In the second screen, the options will differ according to the module type :
o For type “classic” and “hybrid” choose the class of the DDA to manage
§ choices must be made only in the case the “hybrid” type is chosen. In that case, provide the custom tag and the of list of event slot values passed as input match arguments and ouput expressions.
o For type “DDEN”, choose the tag value to manage
- Click next
- In the last screen, enter :
o The functionality of the module – this sets the “main” menu entry within which the module will be created
o The name of the module.
After the module is created, it can be used directly, or configured further.