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Configuring Enrichment maps
You can configure further the module and define additional parameters for any Enrichment map module such as: · Labels for the module name and fields · ToolTips for the different fields · Source definitions to generate drop-down or a...
Module Reference - Enrichment maps for BigPanda
Parameter Description Default/typical value [<Module Name>] section InfraType Name of the BHOM infrastructure to address. The name should correspond to a valid section in the Global configuration BigPanda ...
Security - Enrichment maps for BigPanda
A series of permissions can be configured at group or user level to provide advanced control on what users are authorized to do within a particular Enrichment maps module. These permissions must be set in the configuration file of the groups (either using the...
The BigPanda Blackout module provides easy management of BigPanda maintenance plans. The module includes a granular permission model, and provides a secure interface where operators can fill in blackout without making any mistake.
Module reference - Blackout for BigPanda
Parameter Description Default/typical value ObjectBlackoutConvertionSlotsMap Contains the association between the “object” blackout fields (Object Class, Object, Parameter) and the name of those fields in BigPanda. Expressed...
Security - Blackout for BigPanda
Parameter Description Default/Typical Values AllowActionREOPEN 1= Allow group to set periods only REOPEN mode 0= Disable group to set periods only REOPEN mode 0 or 1 AllowApplyOnExisting 1= Allow user / gr...
The Self-Service Monitoring Portal addresses two important use cases around the configuration of monitoring in BMC TrueSight and BMC Helix Operations Management. 1. Ability to report on monitoring configurations. Using the Self-Service Monitoring Portal...
Initial configuration
Module configuration - TrueSight To allow ProactivePack to connect to TrueSight for SelfService Monitoring Portal (using TrueSight PostgreSQL DB and Rest API), the following configuration should be set in SelfServiceMonitoringPortal (ProactivePack Administrat...
Concepts The Self-Service Monitoring Portal lets you easily build queries and reports. Queries - Include a single query against the SelfServiceMonitoringPortal database - Can be a graph, a table, or a simple list of elements - ...
Monitoring Configuration
Concepts Monitoring Catalog The monitoring catalog contains a certain number of monitoring models. The out-of-box monitoring catalog contains monitoring models for frequently encountered situations. A specific permission is required to manage th...
Database information page
The single-entry point to manage the SMP database is the “Manage database” tile in the ProactivePack Self-Service Monitoring Portal menu. Accessing this use case requires to have the UseCaseManagePolicyPermissions permission. The database management page can...
Module reference - SMP
Parameter Description Default/typical value [SelfServiceMonitoringPortal] section ExpirationAge Information age in DB. Once data is oldest than this age, information can be considered as obsolete. ExpirationAge can be ...
Security - SMP
Permission Description Default/Typical values Configure Allows configuration of the module 0 or 1 UseCaseAddMonitorToHost Allows the “manage monitoring by host” configuration use case 0 or 1 UseC...
With Test Manager, developers and testers can define and run test scenarios to verify that event management is functioning according to expectations. For example, a test case can include the generation of several events, the verification that duplicate event...
Defining and running tests
1. You define Test sets by adding a new “test set” from the Test Manager main window : 2. Once your test set is created, switch to the “Edit” display mode in the main window : 3. In the “Edit” window you can : a. Add a new ...
Module reference - Test Manager
Parameter Description Default/typical value [TestManager] section AutoBackup Automatic backup of test sets when they are edited 1 Functionality Main navigation menu entry Test Manager ...
Security - Test Manager
Parameter Description Default/Typical Values Add Provides ability to create/modify test sets 0 or 1 Configuration Provides ability to configure the module 0 or 1 Delete Provides ability t...
The scheduler module acts as simplified interface into the Windows TaskScheduler or the Linux “cron” functionality on the ProactivePack server. It lets end users schedule QuickQueries and Self-Service Monitoring Portal reports over emails, and can also be use...
Creating a job
Navigate to “Scheduler -> Add” · In the first screen “Command Options”: Schedule Id Mandatory. A short name for the job you save Command line Mandatory. The command to run from the system command line Active ...
Module reference - Scheduler
Parameter Description Default/typical value [Scheduler] section ForceDefinitionSynchroToOS In case there is a task defined in ProactivePack that is not defined at OS level, create it. Useful in migration context. ...