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General HW and SW Prerequisites

Consider using the ProactivePack appliance or container deployment and skip this part. See Deployment options


Hardware requirements

The software requires 10GB of disk space and a minimum of 4GB of RAM and 2CPU to run. Additional resources may be required (8GB RAM/4CPU recommended) to serve multiple simultaneous users. Additional space/memory requirements apply for the database that is used by the QuickQueries and SelfServiceMonitoringPortal modules.

Operating System

ProactivePack has been tested on the following platforms :

·         Windows

o   2012 & 2012R2 server

o   2016 server

o   2019 server

·         Linux RedHat

o   7.x

o   8.x

On Linux systems, the user running Proactivepack (typically, httpd), must be able to create cron jobs.

On Windows sytems, the user running the httpd server (apache or IIS) must be authorized to use the task scheduler


Http Server

For accurate time and date management, ProactivePack must run in the same time zone as the cell(s)/TrueSight server(s) it will connect.

The solution has been tested with the following PHP enabled web servers.

·         Apache 2.4 on Windows 2012

·         Apache 2.4 on Windows 2019

·         Apache 2.4 on Linux Redhat 7.x and 8 x

·         IIS 8.0 on Windows 2012

·         IIS 8.5 on Windows 2012R2

HTTPS must be enabled on web server



ProactivePack supports PHP 5.6, 7.x and 8.1.

The php configuration (php.ini file) must contain:

·         display_errors = Off

·         session.save_path = "<storage path to save sessions files>"

·         memory_limit = 2048M

·         max_execution_time = 7200

·         max_input_vars = 2000

·         upload_max_filesize = 128M

·         post_max_size = 128M

·         [Date] section contains a correctly set time zone. E.G :

o   date.timezone = 'Europe/Paris'


The following extensions for PHP must also be loaded :

·         openssl

·         mbstring

·         json

·         gd

·         zip

·         XMLWriter

·         fileinfo 


The following perl modules are required if you use external authentication (TrueSight), the ActiveDirectory integration, QuickQueries, or Self-Service Monitoring Portal :







BMC Executables

Applies to ProactivePack for TrueSight only.

If ProactivePack does not run on the system where the target cell(s)/TrueSight server is running, a series of BMC executables need to be available on the ProactivePack server. The easiest solution is to install a cell or TrueSight Integration Service Node on the ProactivePack server. This component does not need to be running.

If you do not want to install a cell on the ProactivePack server, make sure that you have the following files copied locally and available to the web server in two adjacent “bin” and “etc” folders :

·         BMC Impact Manager executables : 









·         mcell.dir


·         locales

./etc/locale (entire folder)




ProactivePack has been tested with the following versions of the BMC Products:

·         BMC TrueSight 10.X

·         BMC TrueSight 11.X

·         BMC Event Manager 7.4

The Self-Service Monitoring Portal module is compatible with BMC TrueSight 10.7 and above, as well as all versions of BHOM


BMC Helix Operations Management

ProactivePack for Helix Events supports version 21.10 and above of BMC Helix Operations Management.


ProactivePack has been tested with the following browsers:

·         Edge 80 and above

·         Firefox 10+

·         Chrome 31+