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Additional prerequisites by module

QuickQueries Prerequisites

Consider using the ProactivePack appliance or container and skip this part ! See Deployment options



The PHP extensions of the corresponding database (mysqli, oci8, sqlsrv, pgsql) must be loaded. See corresponding sections below.


PDF report generation - Windows

The Visual C++ 2013 (x64) Redistributable Package must be loaded to enable PDF report generation. This package can be downloaded from :


PDF report generation - Linux

On Linux, the following libraries are required to enable PDF report generation:

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/ lib/

·         lib/ lib/

·         lib/ lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/ lib/

·         urw-fonts

·         libXrender-*.i686

·         fontconfig-*.i686

·         libXext-*.i686

·         libstdc++-*.i686

·         libpng15

·         compat-openssl10

Database import


The following applies if you plan to use QuickQueries with an external MySQL database.


-          Make sure the php_mysqli extension is loaded by the PHP. Normally this is done by uncommenting the following entry in php.ini then restart the web server. Check PHP documentation for details. Example (windows) :


-          Database requirements :

o   Database Server : MySQL server 5.6 or above

o   Database administrator access to create the database and tables

o   DB Disk space: Allow roughly 1,5KB per stored event – although this may depend on your environment.

o   For the export of events into the database :

§  Perl 5.12 or above

§  Perl DBI module

§  Perl DBD::MySQL module

§  Perl Crypt::CBC module



The following applies if you plan to use QuickQueries with an external ORACLE database.


-          Make sure that the ORACLE instant client (available for download from the oracle website) is installed on the system where ProactivePack is running. The architecture (32 or 64 bits) must be consistent with the apache and PHP architecture.

-          On Windows, make sure that the ORACLE instant client directory is referenced in the PATH system variable.

-          On Linux, the easier is to install the clients as RPM packages. Please refer to annex A.


-          Make sure the oci8 extension is loaded by the ProactivePack server. On Windows, the extensions are usually included in the PHP distribution and you simply need to uncomment them in the php.ini file, then restart the web server.


On Linux systems, you may need to install the extension yourself. Please refer to annex A if you need help.


-          Database requirements :

o   Database Server : Oracle 11G or above

o   Database administrator access to create the database and tables

o   DB Disk space: Allow roughly 1,5KB per stored event – although this may depend on your environment.

o   Character set (NLS_CHARSET): AL32UTF8.


-          For the import of events into the database :

o   Perl 5.12 or above

o   Oracle instant client

o   Perl DBI module

o   Perl DBD::ORACLE module.

o   Perl Crypt::CBC module.

Microsoft SQL Server

The following applies if you plan to use QuickQueries with an external Microsoft SQL Server database. Usage of Microsoft SQL Server is only supported with ProactivePack running on a Windows server.


-          If the SQL Server runs on a separate system, download and install the SQL server native client 2012 on the ProactivePack server (

-          Download and install the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server on the ProactivePack server. Driver versions will depend on the PHP version that you install. ( :

o   SQLSRV31 : php 5.3, 5.5, 5.6

o   SQLSRV32:  php 5.6

o   SQLSRV40:  php 7, 7.1

The installer will require you to provide a destination folder, use a temporary folder. This folder will contain a series of .dll files.

Copy those dll files to the  in the “extensions” folder of your PHP installation (typically, c:\php\ext)

-          Enable the SQL Server PHP extension in php.ini by adding a line of the type :

o   If you use apache, use the thread-safe version (_ts.dll)

o   If you use IIS, use the non-thread-safe version (_nts.dll)

o   The exact file name will depend on the PHP version that you use.


-          Database requirements :

o   Database Server : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or above

o   Database administrator (“sa”) access to create the tables

o   A database and a user authorized to access (read/write) into the database.

o   DB Disk space: Allow roughly 1,5KB per stored event – although this may depend on your environment.


-          For the import of events into the database :

o   Perl 5.12 or above

o   Perl DBI module

o   Perl DBD::ODBC module

o   Perl Crypt::CBC module. PostgreSQL Server

The following applies if you plan to use QuickQueries with an external PostgreSQL database.

-          Enable the PostgreSQL Server PHP extension in php.ini by adding a line of the type :



-          Database requirements :

o   Database Server : PostgreSQL 10.0

o   Database administrator access to create the tables

o   A database and a user authorized to access (read/write) into the database.

o   A tablespace to support the database installation

o   DB Disk space: Allow roughly 1,5KB per stored event – although this may depend on your environment.


-          For the import of events into the database :

o   Perl 5.12 or above

o   Perl DBI module

o   Perl DBD::PG module

o   Perl Crypt::CBC module.


Self-Service Monitoring Portal Prerequisites

i Consider using the ProactivePack appliance or container and skip this part!



In addition to the global prerequisites (chapter), the following prerequistes apply for the Self-Service Monitoring Portal.

-          The PHP extension for PostgreSQL (pgsql) must be loaded to communicate with the TrueSight and ProactivePack Postgres databases (On Linux OS: yum install php-pgsql.x86_64)

-          The PHP parameter pgsql.auto_reset_persistent must be set to On.


BMC Helix Operations Management

An access key and secret key with administrator rights must be configured in BHOM.

The BHOM URL must be accessible from the ProactivePack server (this may be through a proxy).



-          The TrueSight Presentation Server (host and https port) must be accessible from the ProactivePack server

-          The TrueSight Presentation Postgres database (host and https port) must be accessible from the ProactivePack server. This access is disabled by default in TrueSight. To enable  :

o   Open the file $TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME/truesightpserver/data/pgsql/pg_hba.conf file on the TrueSight Presentation Server

o   Edit the file and add an entry as follows in the IPv4 local connections (can also be much more restrictive if local security needs it):

host    truesight  all  trust

o   Restart the TrueSight Presentation Server

-          A valid TrueSight Presentation Server user (and password) with administrative rights must be available to configure the Self-Service Monitoring Portal.

-          The folder $TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME/truesightpserver/modules/cma/pproxy/depot_directory on the TrueSight server must be accessible and/or copied to a temporary folder to enable the extraction of repository information.


PostgreSQL Database server

A PostgreSQL database server version 9.6 or higher is required to run the Self-Service Monitoring Portal.

A tablespace (by default named “ProactivePack_Data”) must be created within the PosgreSQL server.

The work_mem parameter of the server (configuration file postgresql.conf) must be set to 4MB or more.

During the installation process, a databased named “ProactivePack” will be created using a dedicated  tablespace (default is “ProactivePack_Data”). This database must be accessible from the ProactivePack server. This will be the case automatically if the PostgreSQL server is installed on the same system as ProactivePack (recommended). If the PostgreSQL server is installed on a separate system, the pg_hba.conf file of the server must be edited to allow network connections (see above paragraph for guidelines).


You may e.g. check the following links for guidelines on how to install PostgreSQL :



For the import of data into the Postgres database :

o   Perl 5.12 or above

o   Perl LWP::UserAgent module

o   Perl HTTP::Request::Common module

o   Perl MIME::Base64 module

o   Perl Crypt::CBC module. To install on Linux :

§  yum install perl-Crypt-CBC.noarch

PDF report generation - Windows

The Visual C++ 2013 (x64) Redistributable Package must be loaded to enable PDF report generation. This package can be downloaded from :


PDF report generation - Linux

On Linux, the following libraries are required to enable PDF report generation:

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/ lib/

·         lib/ lib/

·         lib/ lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/

·         lib/ lib/

·         urw-fonts

·         libXrender-*.i686

·         fontconfig-*.i686

·         libXext-*.i686

·         libstdc++-*.i686