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Defining and running tests

1.       You define Test sets by adding a new “test set” from the Test Manager main window :


2.       Once your test set is created, switch to the “Edit” display mode in the main window :


3.       In the “Edit” window you can :

a.       Add a new empty test to the set by pressing the “Add an empty test to set” button

b.       For each test in  the test

                                                               i.      Edit the name/description by double-clicking on the test “Name/Description” cell

                                                             ii.      Edit the actions by double -clicking on the test “action(s)” cell

                                                           iii.      Edit the checks by double-clicking on the test“check” cell

c.       Reorder your tests by dragging and dropping tests above/below each other.

4.       Each “action” or “check” includes :

a.       A name and a description

b.       A function – see table below.






TSOM – send event(s) or data

Send event(s) or data to a TSOM cell

Cell Name


Input File Name

Input File Format

Multiple events/data can be provided, input format must be BAROC

TSOM – get record

Get a global record value from a TSOM cell

Cell Name

Record Name


TSOM – set record slot

Set a global record value from a TSOM cell

Cell Name

Record Name

Slot Name

Slot Value


TSOM – compare slots

Check the value of an event slot in a TSOM cell.

Cell Name

Slot Name


Slot Value

See below on how to reference test events in the Slot Name

TSOM – drop test data

Delete all test data sent from Test Manager

Cell Name


TSOM – close test events

Close all TSOM test events sent from Test Manager

Cell Name


BHOM – send event

Send event(s) to BHOM

HELIX environment

Input File Name

Input File Format

Multiple events/data can be provided, input format can either be BAROC or JSON

BHOM – compare slots

Check the value of an event slot in a TSOM cell.

HELIX environment

Slot Name


Slot Value

See below on how to reference test events in the Slot Name

BHOM – close test events

Close all BHOM test events sent from Test Manager

HELIX environment




Wait for a specific duration



Run Command

Run an arbitrary command

Command Line


Ask user validation

Manual user confirmation of a specific item


E.G. : Check if email has been received


For slot value comparison operations, the “Slot Name” argument may have a prefix to identify for which event from the test set the comparison should be done.

To do this, we can distinguish:

-          The index of the test in the test set : “X”

-          The index of the action in the test : “Y”

-          The index of the event in the action : “Z”


For example, if in the following test set we have the following test :


-          The Test Index is X=6.

-          The action index of the first action “Send 2 MINOR events” is Y=1

-          The action index of the second action “send a OK event” is Y=2

-          The event index of the first event of the first action is Z=1.


So, to reference a slot of a specific event, the following notations are supported :

Within the same test:


 First event in first action in current test

 (note : this is equivalent to EVENT1.SlotName)


 First event from action Y in current test


 Event Z from action Y in current test


If you need to reference an event from another test in the test set:


First event from first action for test index X


First event from action Y for test index X


Event Z from action Y for test index X