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ProactivePack is a web-based application that provides administrators and users of BMC TrueSight and BMC Helix Operations Management (BHOM) with powerful tools that will help them in their daily tasks. Various modules co-exist in the ProactivePack platform. W...
The logical architecture of the solution is as follows. Core component The ProactivePack console is a web browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox) Core component The ProactivePack server is the main server...
General HW and SW Prerequisites
Consider using the ProactivePack appliance or container deployment and skip this part. See Deployment options Hardware requirements The software requires 10GB of disk space and a minimum of 4GB of RAM and 2CPU to run. Additional resources may be required ...
Required network ports
The following table summarizes communication ports that need to be open between the different ProactivePack components. As all ports can be configured, only the default or typical values are presented. Source Destination Port (default) ...
Additional prerequisites by module
QuickQueries Prerequisites Consider using the ProactivePack appliance or container and skip this part ! See Deployment options PHP The PHP extensions of the corresponding database (mysqli, oci8, sqlsrv, pgsql) must be loaded. See corresponding sections b...
Consider using the ProactivePack appliance or container deployment and skip this part Server installation The contents of the package must be unzipped in DOCUMENT_ROOT/ProactivePack/ where DOCUMENT_ROOT is the ‘base directory’ of html pages on the web s...
Configuration basics
Initial configuration 1. Open the ProactivePack console. By default, the “LOCAL” authentication is used. The username is “admin” and the default password is “Ppack12345” 2. Navigate to “Administration” and choose “Modules” 3. In...
Introduction The security of ProactivePack uses a system of users and groups to determine what permission users have in the product. Users are first authenticated using one of the following mecanisms : HTTP server authentication (Active Directory, htacce...
Console usage
Login/Logout To logout : - Click on your avatar icon in the top toolbar - Click on the right-most “exit” button : - Close your browser completely (not just the tab used for ProactivePack) User preferences - Cl...
General configuration
Module reference The main configuration file for ProactivePack module is $PRODUCT_HOME/config/custom/Global.conf. Parameter Description Default/typical value [Global] section functionality Used to organize the modul...
General administration procedures
Stopping and starting ProactivePack ProactivePack only “runs” when its web server is running. Apache on Linux The default command to stop, start, or restart the Apache server on Linux is as follows : service httpd stop|start|restart Apache on Windows By ...
Upgrading from version 21.05 and above
Direct upgrade is possible from version 21.05 onwards, using the ProactivePack console : - Procure the zip file corresponding to your platform and PHP version from ProactivePack support - As a ProactivePack administrator, navigate to Administra...
Upgrading from earlier versions
There is no direct upgrade path, some manual steps are involved : We assume that the current installation is under /path/current_ppack, adjust procedure accordingly. We assume the version you want to install is version XXYY Create a folder /path/ppack...
Introduction The « Quick Queries » module allows the easy generation of event graphs and reports. Reports can be generated transparently out of events stored in a cell, or events stored in a separate SQL database. To run a quick query, you must define a time...
Creating Quick Queries
Common parameters The graph type is chosen from the main selector : All types of quick queries share a series of same configuration options: The target data source, which can be a cell or the database : The Quick Queries time window, whi...
Creating Query Sets
Dashboards Dashboards let you combine several saved QuickQueries into single pages that can be set to refresh periodically. To create, select “Create new Dashboard” in the “Query Sets” page. - In the first screen : o Specify the refresh rate ...
Scheduling Queries and Reports
Queries and reports can be sent over email on a periodic basis. For this, open the context menu (wrench icon) for the object you would like to schedule. A dialog like below opens : - Provide one or more email addresses separated by a comma or semic...
TrueSight dashboard integration
In order to integrate ProactivePack Dashboards or Queries in TrueSight Presentation Server, you can use the “Web Page” Dashlet in TrueSight Dashboards. The ProactivePack URL can be copied directly from the QuickQueries or Query sets menu: Some options c...
Database import
The Quick Queries module can be used to query events from a database. In that case, events must of course be stored in that database. A script is provided under $PRODUCT_HOME/Tools/bin to enable the import of events into a database. Other mechanisms can be us...
Virtual slots
Introduction Virtual slots allow the transformation of “real” slot values into “virtual” values – and vice versa. Virtual slots can be very powerful, but require some (limited) php coding to be configured. Virtual slots can be used e.g. for the following pur...