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Creating Query Sets


Dashboards let you combine several saved QuickQueries into single pages that can be set to refresh periodically.

To create, select “Create new Dashboard” in the “Query Sets” page.


-          In the first screen :

o   Specify the refresh rate for the dashboard

-          In the second screen:

o   Add as many queries as you want for the dashboard

-          Upon saving  the dashboard:

o   Name your dashboard (mandatory). The report name must only include alphanumeric characters.

o   Provide an optional description to the dashboard

o   Specify the scope for the dashboard. Determines the scope (visibility) of  the dashboard. The choices that are available depend on the user permissions.

§  Private : only the user who creates the dashboard will be able to use it.

§  Group : Only members of the user’s group will be able to use this dashboard.

§  Global : All users will be able to use this dashboard.

o   (If your permissions allow it – i.e. you have the ManageAllDB permission) Specify the user group to which the dashboard will belong.





Reports let you combine one or more saved queries into PDF, HTML, or Excel documents.

Optional customizations to the look and feel of the reports can be performed with minimal CSS and HTML knowledge.

Reports can be downloaded from the ProactivePack console or scheduled to be sent via email (check prerequisites section).

From a permissions perspective, all permissions provided for “dashboards” are reused and applicable for “reports”.

PDF and HTML Reports are not available for tabular views and for custom graphs.

Excel reports can be built for all report types.

Report creation

In the “Query Sets” page, click on the “create new report” button.

-          In the first screen :

o   choose the report type. This determines the format of the output document(s)

o   For PDF reports and HTML reports:

§  Specify the style sheet to use for the report. A default style sheet is provided. You can modify it or (better) create your own under $PRODUCT_HOME/sata/QuickQueries/reports/StyleSheets. See the next section for details regarding the stylesheet.

o   For PDF reports  only :

§  Specify the page header file to use. A default file is provided. You can modify it or (better) create your own under $PRODUCT_HOME/sata/QuickQueries/reports/headers

§  Specify the page footer file to use. A default file is provided. You can modify it or (better) create your own under $PRODUCT_HOME/sata/QuickQueries/reports/footers


-          In the second screen:

o   Add as many queries as you want for the dashboard

-          Upon saving the report :

o   Name your report (mandatory). The report name must only include alphanumeric characters.

o   Provide an optional description to the report

o   Specify the scope of the report. (Choices depend on your permissions)

§  Private : only the user who creates the report will be able to use it.

§  Group : Only members of the user’s group will be able to use this dashboard.

§  Global : All users will be able to use this dashboard.

o   (If your permissions allow it – i.e. you have the ManageAllDB permission) Specify the user group to which the report will belong.


Report style sheet reference

The table below describes the different classes that are used in the html document used as the source for the PDF and HTML reports. 





Main body for the entire document


Header of the document (does not contain anything by default)


Main body for the report


Title for the report


Section (saved query) title


Body of a section


Graph section


Image section


Table section


Link section


Section footer


Section separator


Section separator – last page




Table header


Table header row


Table header cell


Table body


Table row (even)


Table row (odd)


Table data cell




Carousels can be used to show different queries, one at a time, in a round-robin fashion.

They are defined and managed the same way as reports.