Quick Queries for TrueSight
Introduction The « Quick Queries » module allows the easy generation of event graphs and reports...
Creating Quick Queries
Common parameters The graph type is chosen from the main selector : All types of quick q...
Creating Query Sets
Dashboards Dashboards let you combine several saved QuickQueries into single pages that can be s...
Scheduling Queries and Reports
Queries and reports can be sent over email on a periodic basis. For this, open the context menu...
TrueSight dashboard integration
In order to integrate ProactivePack Dashboards or Queries in TrueSight Presentation Server, you c...
Database import
The Quick Queries module can be used to query events from a database. In that case, events must o...
Virtual slots
Introduction Virtual slots allow the transformation of “real” slot values into “virtual” values ...
it is possible to configure custom actions to ease the creation of DDA entries based on events s...
Module Reference - QuickQueries
The main configuration file for the Quick Queries module is $PRODUCT_HOME/config/custom/QuickQuer...
Security - QuickQueries
All permissions must be set in the configuration file of the groups (either using the console or ...