Blackout for TrueSight
The blackout management module allows the definition of event and CI blackouts from a web interfa...
Managing the host list
In the standard object blackout, host values can be suggested in two independent ways, as shown i...
Advanced configuration
Help pages In order to help users understand what they need to input, help files can be added. ...
Custom blackouts
Custom blackout templates can be created using the using the file $PRODUCT_HOME/ /config/custom/c...
Managing blackouts using the event API
Two main ways of communication can be used to send events to the cell and manage blackouts. Depen...
Blackout profiles
Blackout profiles provide a simple yet powerful way to create complex blackout conditions. Multip...
CI blackouts
Users who have the AllowImpactMode permission can create blackouts on Service model CI. Proactive...
Module reference - Blackout for TrueSight
As for other modules, the main configuration files are in $PRODUCT_HOME/config but are overriden...
Security - Blackout for TrueSight
Parameter Description Default/Typical Values AllowActionBLACKOUT...