ProactivePack Appliance Guide V24.10
Version 24.10
Release notes and notices
Appliance introduction
The ProactivePack Appliance contains a fully installed and pre-configured ProactivePack solution....
Appliance prerequisites
The .ova file can be run on VCenter 7.0 or above. For network prerequisites, see Required networ...
Required network ports
The following table summarizes communication ports that need to be open between the different Pro...
Configuring the appliance
Access, users and passwords
Access Initially, the network IP is retrieved from DHCP. The DHCP provided address can be found ...
System Configuration
In order to manage the appliance, a Webmin interface is available on https://<appliance IP>:1000/...
DB Configuration
In order to manage the appliance Postgres DBs, a “pgadmin” interface is available on https://<app...
ProactivePack configuration
In order to integrate ProactivePack with your BMC environment, basic configuration stepss should ...
Components management
Apache server In order to restart http server, go to webmin / Bootup and Shutdown Se...