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What's new in 24.03
This Appliance version 24.03 is based on CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 Apache/2.4.58 PHP 8.1.27 PostgreSQL 15.6 Perl 5.16 BMC TrueSight CLI 11.3.07 ProactivePack version 24.03 For details on ProactivePack, refer to the ProactivePack User and Admini...
What's new in 24.10
This Appliance version 24.10 is based on Oracle Linux release 8.10 Apache/2.4.37 PHP 8.1.27 PostgreSQL 16.4 Perl 5.32 BMC TrueSight CLI 11.3.07 ProactivePack version 24.09 This new appliance is configured to be compliant with ANSSI-BP-028 (high) be...
Appliance introduction
The ProactivePack Appliance contains a fully installed and pre-configured ProactivePack solution. It is provided as a Linux virtual machine provided in Open Virtual Machine Format (“.ova”). The appliance contains three ProactivePack environments: 1) A p...
Appliance prerequisites
The .ova file can be run on VCenter 7.0 or above. For network prerequisites, see Required network ports
Required network ports
The following table summarizes communication ports that need to be open between the different ProactivePack components. As all ports can be configured, only the default or typical values are presented. Source Destination Port (default) ...
Access, users and passwords
Access Initially, the network IP is retrieved from DHCP. The DHCP provided address can be found using VMWare VCenter or in the VM console : The Appliance home page is available at https://<appliance IP>/ User and passwords Default users/pass...
System Configuration
In order to manage the appliance, a Webmin interface is available on https://<appliance IP>:1000/ It is also possible to log in to the machine itself using the “admin” linux user. The admin user can su to root (sudo su -) System keyboard layout The applianc...
DB Configuration
In order to manage the appliance Postgres DBs, a “pgadmin” interface is available on https://<appliance IP>/pgadmin4/ It is also possible to log in to the machine itself using the “” user. You may need to change PostgreSQL sever to you...
ProactivePack configuration
In order to integrate ProactivePack with your BMC environment, basic configuration stepss should be followed as described below. License upload If no license is set or expired (a license file is required for each of the ProactivePack instances), the followin...
Components management
Apache server In order to restart http server, go to webmin / Bootup and Shutdown Select service you would like to restart; Click “Restart” at the bottom of the page: You can also manage stop/start/status using systemctl command l...