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268 total results found

Configuring Data Editor

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Data Editor for BHOM

You can define additional parameters for any Helix Data Editor module such as: ·         Labels for the module name and fields ·         ToolTips for the different fields ·         Source definitions to generate drop-down or autocomplete value lists ·     ...

Test Events

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Data Editor for BHOM

Users with the AllowTestEvent permissions can test the enrichment policy by sending test events directly to BMC Helix Operations Management. The test event is mainly generated based on the slots involved in the policy, but this can be extended by setting the ...

Module Reference - Data Editor for BHOM

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Data Editor for BHOM

Parameter Description Default/typical value [<Module Name>] section InfraType Name of the BHOM infrastructure to address. The name should correspond to a valid section in the Global configuration HELIX Bac...

Security - Data Editor for BHOM

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Data Editor for BHOM

A series of permissions can be configured at group or user level to provide advanced control on what users are authorized to do within a particular Helix Data Editor module. These permissions must be set in the configuration file of the groups (either using t...


ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... DDA Replication for TrueSight

The « DDA replication » module provides a simple interface to create and run replication tasks. Replication tasks allow the distribution of DDA contents from one to multiple other cells. This is useful in numerous scenarios, such as : -          Synch up dat...

Running replications

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... DDA Replication for TrueSight

From the console A replication task is simply executed by calling the “TriggerReplication” action from the task context menu :   From the command line Once a replication task has been defined, it can be called from the command line. The task can be addre...

Module Reference - DDA Replication for TrueSight

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... DDA Replication for TrueSight

Refer to the Data Editor reference section for common parameters. Custom parameters include : Parameter Description Default/typical value [Custom] section BackupFolder Location of temporary and backup data files ...

Security - DDA Replication for TrueSight

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... DDA Replication for TrueSight

Refer to the Data Editor security section for details.


ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

The blackout management module allows the definition of event and CI blackouts from a web interface. The module has a granular security model that can be configured to precisely determine the type and duration of blackouts that users/groups can set. The modul...

Managing the host list

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

In the standard object blackout, host values can be suggested in two independent ways, as shown in the screenshot below: 1.       Via the “Host” input box itself, if available (requires permission AllowBookHost) 2.       Via the “hosts” list button.     ...

Advanced configuration

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

Help pages In order to help users understand what they need to input, help files can be added. When available this help will be shown in ProactivePack as in the example below.     If a html file is available, then the question mark can be clicked to sho...

Custom blackouts

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

Custom blackout templates can be created using the using the file $PRODUCT_HOME/ /config/custom/customs_periods.cfg  A custom blackout template is made up of  2 parts: 1.       Custom blackout “macro” definition 2.       Each custom blackout item definitio...

Managing blackouts using the event API

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

Two main ways of communication can be used to send events to the cell and manage blackouts. Depending on architecture or security impacts one or both methods can be used. Here is a summary for each solution: Solution Communication details B...

Blackout profiles

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

Blackout profiles provide a simple yet powerful way to create complex blackout conditions. Multiple event conditions (e.g. on several hosts and/or objects) can be grouped together within a same profile. Once a blackout profile has been created, it can be used ...

CI blackouts

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

Users who have the AllowImpactMode permission can create blackouts on Service model CI. ProactivePack then uses the standard BMC mechanisms to set/unset maintenance on a given CI. To do this : 1.       Select the “Business Service” blackout type in the “Add ...

Security - Blackout for TrueSight

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

    Parameter Description Default/Typical Values AllowActionBLACKOUT 1= Allow group to set periods only BLACKOUT mode 0= Disable group to set periods only BLACKOUT mode 0 or 1 AllowActionCLOS 1= Allow group...

Module reference - Blackout for TrueSight

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for TrueSight

 As for other modules, the main configuration files are in $PRODUCT_HOME/config but are overriden by the $PRODUCT_HOME/config/custom ones. Review and update the following configuration parameters. Parameter Description Default/typical valu...


ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for BHOM

The Helix Blackout module provides easy management of BMC Helix Operations Management blackout policies. The module includes a granular permission model, and provides a secure interface where operators can fill in blackout without making any mistake.

Module reference - Blackout for BHOM

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for BHOM

  Parameter Description Default/typical value BlackoutConvertionSlotsMap Contains the association between the “object” blackout fields (Object Class, Object, Parameter) and the name of those fields in Helix. Expressed as a JSO...

Security - Blackout for BHOM

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Blackout for BHOM

  Parameter Description Default/Typical Values AllowActionREOPEN 1= Allow group to set periods only REOPEN mode 0= Disable group to set periods only REOPEN mode 0 or 1 AllowApplyOnExisting 1= Allow user / gr...