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268 total results found

Security - Scheduler

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Scheduler

The following permissions can be set to control access to the Scheduler functions   Permission Description Default/Typical values Configure Allows configuration of the module 0 or 1 RunAllJobs Allows the ex...

ProactivePack REST API

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... REST API

ProactivePack exposes a REST API for a series of workflows available in ProactivePack. REST API usage requires first to obtain an authentication token, which can then be used for the actual requests. The documentation of the REST API calls is available dire...


ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Alert Tags for BigPanda

The BigPanda Alert Tags module allows users to manage the "Alert Enrichment" tag content in BigPanda. Not all BigPanda Alert Enrichment can be managed in ProactivePack. To be eligible, all enrichment items of the tag must (a) be of type composition and (b) fo...

Creating a new module

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Alert Tags for BigPanda

You can create BigPanda Alert Tag modules as you need. Each module will point to a specific Alert enrichment tag in BigPanda. You must have “Configure” access to the BigPanda Alert Tags module to perform this operation. Navigate to ProactivePack Administrati...

Configuring Alert tags

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Alert Tags for BigPanda

You can configure further the module and  define additional parameters for any Enrichment map module such as: ·         Labels for the module name and fields ·         ToolTips for the different fields ·         Source definitions to generate drop-down or a...

Module Reference - Alert Tags for BigPanda

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Alert Tags for BigPanda

Parameter Description Default/typical value [<Module Name>] section InfraType Name of the BHOM infrastructure to address. The name should correspond to a valid section in the Global configuration BigPanda ...

Security - Alert Tags for BigPanda

ProactivePack User & Administration Gui... Alert Tags for BigPanda

A series of permissions can be configured at group or user level to provide advanced control on what users are authorized to do within a particular Enrichment maps module. These permissions must be set in the configuration file of the groups (either using the...

HELIX BO Profiles backend functions

Dev notes

//Create mandatory slots to enable BO profiles //Here below the values are not final, just for testing under the radar //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $TopLevelEventClass = "PPX_EV"; //must exist $TempSlot1 = "temp...