Release Notes
What is new in this version
- Improved sessions management
- REST API logout function
- REST API sample scripts (Linux)
- Container security vulnerabilities addressed
Blackout Management
- REST API hardening and Sample script for BigPanda
- Stop period supported for MOMA Object/Dates Maintenance windows
- Splash content changed from bar to pie to improve clarity
Data Editor
- Support for BigPanda alert tags
- Automatic discovery of BHOM dynamic enrichment tables
- Dynamic query of the available DDA of the source cell in DDA Replicator
- Multiple targets for BigPanda
- Additinal improvements for BigPanda
- Add preview button for source events
- Add timing information in test executions
- ServiceNow integration
Known issues
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
Global1 |
Authentication fails when password contains accents (é,è,à …) if using TrueSight Presentation Server |
This is a Remedy Single SignOn bug |
Quick Query module
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
QQ1 |
MySQL and ORACLE are case-insensitive policy with regard to column names. Therefore, it is not possible to export/report (against the DB) on slots which have same names but different casing (e.g. : “Application” and “application”) |
None |
QQ6 |
When using oracle, it is not possible to run “table” queries against the “date” slot – the “date” word being reserved on oracle |
Use the mc_arrival_time instead. |
QQ7 |
Microsoft SQL Server does not support searching using regular expressions. The match_regex operator is replaced by the LIKE operator when using Microsoft SQL Server |
None. |
Data Editor module
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
DD1 |
Upload of Excel or CSV files is not possible from workstations where Excel is not installed. |
On Windows systems you can import the registry key that contains the MIME type of the .xslx files. We provide a copy of this key in $PRODUCT_HOME/tools/etc/ProactivePackWinReg As always use caution when applying changes to the windows registry |
Blackout module
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
BL1 |
Compilation of the blackout-related rules may fail with the out-of-box cell knowledge base |
Apply the changes described in section Blackout Management |
DDA Replication module
Self-Service Monitoring Portal
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
SMP1 |
Parameter KPI information is obtained only from the KMs. If the KPI attribute is modified in TSIM, this is not discovered. |
Update the file $PRODUCT_HOME/data/SelfServiceMontioringPortal/reference/ParamList.txt manually |
SMP2 |
If a TSPS group is created when a Proactivepack TrueSight host group is created, it is thereafter not possible to delete the TSPS group using ProactivePack |
The problem is due to a limitation of the BMC REST API. The TSPS group must in that situation be manually deleted inside TSPS |
SMP3 |
If a TrueSight CMA policy is subscribed/unsubscribed multiple times, it will still work fine but it will not be displayable and editable properly in TSPS as it supports a maximum a maximum of 3 nested agent conditions. |
None (At least until TrueSight 11.3.03) – BMC defect reference : Defect#DRTMN-67. |
SMP4 |
Discovery of Instance Information for “LOG” monitoring may fail in case multiple files with a same name but a different path are declared. |
When creating a “Log monitoring – Text files” monitoring for a new file in CMA, make sure to provide a logical name. |