Release Notes
What is new in this version
- Improved sessions management
- REST API logout function
- REST API sample scripts (Linux)
Blackout Management
- REST API hardening and Sample script for BigPanda
- Stop period supported for MOMA Object/Dates Maintenance windows
- Splash content changed from bar to pie to improve clarity
Data Editor
- Support for BigPanda alert tags
- Automatic discovery of BHOM dynamic enrichment tables
- Multiple targets for BigPanda
- Additinal improvements for BigPanda
- Add preview button for source events
- ServiceNow integration
Known issues
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
Global1 |
Authentication fails when password contains accents (é,è,à …) if using TrueSight Presentation Server |
This is a Remedy Single SignOn bug |
Quick Query module
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
QQ1 |
MySQL and ORACLE are case-insensitive policy with regard to column names. Therefore, it is not possible to export/report (against the DB) on slots which have same names but different casing (e.g. : “Application” and “application”) |
None |
QQ6 |
When using oracle, it is not possible to run “table” queries against the “date” slot – the “date” word being reserved on oracle |
Use the mc_arrival_time instead. |
QQ7 |
Microsoft SQL Server does not support searching using regular expressions. The match_regex operator is replaced by the LIKE operator when using Microsoft SQL Server |
None. |
Data Editor module
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
DD1 |
Upload of Excel or CSV files is not possible from workstations where Excel is not installed. |
On Windows systems you can import the registry key that contains the MIME type of the .xslx files. We provide a copy of this key in $PRODUCT_HOME/tools/etc/ProactivePackWinReg As always use caution when applying changes to the windows registry |
Blackout module
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
BL1 |
Compilation of the blackout-related rules may fail with the out-of-box cell knowledge base |
Apply the changes described in section Blackout Management |
DDA Replication module
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
In the task creation dialog, only the DDAs that are defined on the cell where the module is installed will be shown, even if the “source cell” chosen for the task is different |
Declare all DDAs in the KB of the cell where the DDA Replication module is installed. |
Self-Service Monitoring Portal
Reference |
Description |
Workaround |
SMP1 |
Parameter KPI information is obtained only from the KMs. If the KPI attribute is modified in TSIM, this is not discovered. |
Update the file $PRODUCT_HOME/data/SelfServiceMontioringPortal/reference/ParamList.txt manually |
SMP2 |
If a TSPS group is created when a Proactivepack TrueSight host group is created, it is thereafter not possible to delete the TSPS group using ProactivePack |
The problem is due to a limitation of the BMC REST API. The TSPS group must in that situation be manually deleted inside TSPS |
SMP3 |
If a TrueSight CMA policy is subscribed/unsubscribed multiple times, it will still work fine but it will not be displayable and editable properly in TSPS as it supports a maximum a maximum of 3 nested agent conditions. |
None (At least until TrueSight 11.3.03) – BMC defect reference : Defect#DRTMN-67. |
SMP4 |
Discovery of Instance Information for “LOG” monitoring may fail in case multiple files with a same name but a different path are declared. |
When creating a “Log monitoring – Text files” monitoring for a new file in CMA, make sure to provide a logical name. |