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Security - Data Editor for BigPanda

A series of permissions can be configured at group or user level to provide advanced control on what users are authorized to do within a particular Helix Data Editor module.

These permissions must be set in the configuration file of the groups (either using the console or editing the <groupname>.conf files in $PRODUCT_HOME/security.

These permissions are :


Permission Name

Expected Value



Default value for the slot

Can be used to set a default value to <SlotName>. Overrides values set at module level.


0 or 1

Add/modify entries


0 or 1

1= Allow users to upload files that will be stored under $PRODUCT_HOME/data/<module name>. These files may be used as external sources, etc.


0 or 1

Enables or disables the ability to send test events from the ProactivePack console.


0 or 1

Access the module configuration (requires access to InfoModule as well)


0 or 1

Controls if a confirmation window is provided before deleting DDA entries.


0 or 1

Delete entries


0 or 1

1 Allow user/Group to access Excel Import functionality

0 User/Group will not be able to import an excel file


0 or 1

0 = excel import is allowed even if to-be-imported values fail to match the slot pattern verification fails.

1 = opposite.


Comma separated list of DDA slotsfields

Contains the list of slots that will not be shown at creation/modification time. Adds to the list of MaskedSlotsForCreation set at module level.


Comma separated list of DDA slotsfields

Contains the list of slots that will not be shown in the table view. Adds to the list of MaskedSlotsForDisplay set at module level.


Comma separated list of DDA slotsfields

Contains the list of slots that will remain readonly at creation/modification time. Adds to the list of ReadOnlySlotsForCreation set at module level.


0 or 1

View the content of the table