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Creating a new module

By default, automatic discovery of the dynamicBigPanda enrichment tables in BHOMmaps is enabled – a module will be created for all discovered tables in BHOM.

To disable the feature, navigate to Administration ->ProactivePack -> Modules -> HELIXBigPanda enrichments -> Data Editor (HELIX)BigPanda) and set AutoCreateDDAModules to 0.

YouIn case automatic discovery is disabled, you can create as many new “virtual” HelixBigPanda Data Editor modules as you need. Each virtual module will point to a specific BHOMEnrichment instancemap andin a specific event policy.BigPanda.

You must have “Configure” access to the HelixBigPanda Data Editor module to perform this operation.

Navigate to ProactivePack Administration -> modules -> Data Editor and click on the “plus” icon :


In the following dialog, enter :


-          In the first screen, choose :


o   The BHOM infrastructure to address (default: HELIX)"BigPanda"

-          Click “next”.


-          In the second screen, choose :

o   The name of the BHOM event policy containing theBigPanda enrichment data.pap you want to manage.

-          Click next

-          In the last screen, enter :

o   The functionality of the module – this sets the “main” menu entry within which the module will be created

o   The name of the module.


After the module is created, it can be used directly, or configured  further.