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The blackout management module allows the definition of event and CI blackouts from a web interface. The module has a granular security model that can be configured to precisely determine the type and duration of blackouts that users/groups can set.

The module also provides extended customization capabilities.

How it works

The blackout module relies on specific classes and rules that must be loaded by the cell which will implement the blackout. See installation section for details.

The blackout module uses the cell command line (mquery, mposter, etc) to set and query the blackouts within the cell.

On standard Blackout as well as on Custom Blackouts, when using regular expressions the cell will perform a case non sensitive and multi lines regular expression check on events.

How events are managed

Depending on the action chosen in the blackout definition dialog, target events will be managed differently :

Action during during  blackout : Set event to blackout and reopen at end if not closed

ProactivePack selections

Effect on target events

Action during blackout

Action at blackout start


Set event to BLACKOUT and REOPEN at end

if not closed

Do nothing on already existing events

Include events since blackout creation

Include all existing events


Action during during  blackout : Set event to blackout

ProactivePack selections

Effect on target events

Action during blackout

Action at blackout start

Maintenance Period timelines


Do nothing on already existing events

Include events since blackout creation

Include all existing events

Action during during  blackout : Set event to closed

ProactivePack selections

Effect on target events

Action during blackout

Action at blackout start

Maintenance Period timelines

Set event to CLOSED

Do nothing on already existing events

Include events since blackout creation

Include all existing events