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 i Consider using the ProactivePack appliance or container and skip this part!


1.       Server installation

The contents of the package must be unzipped in DOCUMENT_ROOT/ProactivePack/ where DOCUMENT_ROOT is the ‘base directory’ of html pages on the web server.

1.1.Windows installation - IIS

Get into the Web Server document root and extract provided file (ProactivePack-<ProactivePack release>.zip)


Step 1: Get in “DocumentRoot” folder (in our example : d:\Data\ProactivePack subfolder)


cd d:\Data\ProactivePack\




Step 2: Unzip file directly under DocumentRoot.

Step 3: Configure IonCube (see next section)

Step 4: Proceed to the basic configuration


On IIS, you need to configure MIME type as below:


<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />

<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="application/font-woff" />

<mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json" />


1.2.Linux install on Apache

Get into the Web Server document root and extract provided file (ProactivePack-Pages-<ProactivePack release>.zip)

Depending on local security policy you may do this as root and change files owner to local httpd user such as apache.


Step 1: Navigate to “DocumentRoot” folder (here /Data/WWWRoot/ and ProactivePack subfolder)


cd /Data/WWWRoot/ProactivePack/


Note: “DocumentRoot” can be found in webserver main config (typically located in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) file:


Step 2: Unzip file directly under DocumentRoot.

i Make sure to change all file permissions so that the httpd user (typically “apache”) can access all the ProactivePack files and folders in read-write mode.

Step 3: Configure IonCube (see next section)

Step 4: Proceed to the basic configuration.


2.       IonCube Loader

i Consider using the ProactivePack appliance or container and skip this part!


i A specific PHP extension is required to run the ProactivePack software. Most frequenly used versions of that extension (.dll or .so file) are included in the $PRODUCT_HOME/ioncube folder, refer to the installation guides for help.

To assist in configuring the extension, open your browser on the following URL :

<ProactivePack root URL>/ressources/loader-wizard.php

E.G. :

http://eu902206-alt/ ProactivePack/ressources/loader-wizard.php


The script will identify which version of the library is required.

Linux and Windows flavors of the loader are stored under $PRODUCT_HOME/ioncube. If the loader wizard points you to a version that exists under that folder, you may use that one directly, by following the installation steps below.

In case the installation cannot be automated (e.g. if the server is isolated), review the installation guidelines provided by the script, or look at the procedure below.

1.       Gather the following information. This can be provided by the PHP administrator or by using the phpinfo() command – see screen captures.

a.       OS used by the server (e.g. windows)

b.       HTTP server type (apache or IIS)

c.       PHP version in use (e.g. 7.1)

d.       Version of the compiler used for PHP (e.g. VC15)

e.       Whether PHP is using “thread safety”. (typically, Apache runs “thread safe”, and IIS runs “non thread safe”)

2.       Download the right version of the library from the following URL :


3.       Copy the library to a folder that can be accessed by the web server – typically the PHP extensions directory.

4.       Register the library in the php.ini file used by the web server, by adding an entry like follows (replace folder/filename as needed)

[ionCube Loader]



5.       Restart the web server.

6.       Call the URL for “loader-wizard.php” again to verify you are ready to go.


3.       License file

ProactivePack requires a license file to work.

Copy the license file that you received from ProactivePack under $PRODUCT_HOME (beside the “index.php” file) and make sure it is renamed to “product.lic”.


4.       Target Cell

i Applies only for ProactivePack for TrueSight cells


Several ProactivePack modules require specific classes and rules to be loaded by the target cells.

These specific classes, collectors and rules are located in the $PRODUCT_HOME/Tools/kb folder of the installation package.

4.1.Quick Queries – Optional configuration

Apply those changes only if you want the DB import script to report execution results as events.

The monitoring cell is the cell that optionally receives events from the DB import script, if the DB import script is configured to send events that indicate the outcome of the import (see parameter SendResultAsEvent).






Event classes definitions

monitoring cell


Rules to manage events sent by the db import script

monitoring cell


Optional - ProactivePack collectors

monitoring cell


4.2.DDA Replication

The DDA Replication cell is the cell that stores the DDA replication tasks.






Event classes definitions

DDA Replication cell


Data classes definitions

DDA Replication cell


4.3.Blackout Management

i The mcell.conf parameter “CellTickInterval” must be set to the value “1m” (one minute).


The following files must be loaded by the cell that will be used for blackout management.

Class files must be ordered in the same way as in the table below.






Enumeration definitions

Blackout Cell


Event classes definitions for Event Management cell

Blackout Cell


Optional set of class definitions that must be loaded in case custom blackouts are used AND must be managed from the CLI

Blackout Cell


Data classes definitions

Blackout Cell


Event and Data classes definitions for Impact Management cell

Blackout Cell


Rules for event management

Blackout Cell


Optional set of rules that must be loaded in case custom blackouts are used AND must be managed from the CLI.

Blackout cell


Rules for Impact management.

Blackout Cell


Optional - Blackout Management specific collectors for event management.

Blackout Cell


Blackout options for both Event and Impact Management

Blackout Cell


Samples for Blackout removal reasons for Event Management

Blackout Cell


The cell must be compiled using mccomp command line and then restarted. If the cell is version 8.6 or higher you may get compiliation error messages such as


BMC-IMC120090E: Error in file Maintenance_Event.mrl, line 901 column 13 

BMC-IMC120100E: No slot SetToBlackout defined for class CORE_EVENT

BMC-IMC120090E: Error in file Maintenance_Event.mrl, line 902 column 6

BMC-IMC120100E: No slot ReOpenedAfterBlackout defined for class CORE_EVENT

BMC-IMC120090E: Error in file Maintenance_Event.mrl, line 903 column 6

BMC-IMC120100E: No slot BlackoutStart defined for class CORE_EVENT

BMC-IMC120090E: Error in file Maintenance_Event.mrl, line 955 column 13

BMC-IMC120100E: No slot SetToBlackout defined for class CORE_EVENT

BMC-IMC120090E: Error in file Maintenance_Event.mrl, line 956 column 6

BMC-IMC120100E: No slot ReOpenedAfterBlackout defined for class CORE_EVENT

BMC-IMC120017E: Number of error(s): 5


To fix this issue, the kb/classes/im_policies.baroc file must be changed.


                selector_ecf : ECF CORE_EVENT;

must be changed to

selector_ecf : ECF EVENT;


4.4.Self-Service Monitoring Portal

(Optional configuration)

The monitoring cell is the cell that optionally receives events from the Self-Service Monitoring Portal batch import script, if the DB import script is configured to send events that indicate the outcome of the import (see parameter SendResultAsEvent).







Event classes definitions

monitoring cell

rules/ProactivePack_Self-ServiceMonitoring Portal.mrl


Rules to manage events sent by the db import script

monitoring cell