Configuration basics
Initial configuration
1. Open the ProactivePack console. By default, the “LOCAL” authentication is used. The username is “admin” and the default password is “Ppack12345”
3. In the “Administration” functionality, open “ProactivePack”
4. Select “Edit” from the context menu:
5. Set at least the following parameters, and save. Please look at the Global configuration reference paragraph for more information.
Parameter |
Description |
PerlBin |
The full absolute path (including the filename “perl)”, to the Perl compiler. For windows, If Perl is in the path, you can simply use the value « perl ». |
CompanyName |
The name of your organization. |
CompanyLogo |
Upload a logo for your organization. |
CompanySkin |
Global Company Skin for ProactivePack |
The minimal security setting consists in declaring at least one user in the “Admins” group. This can be done by navigating to ProactivePack Administration -> Users -> Add a user, or by editing the file $PRODUCT_HOME/security/UserGroup.conf, by adding lines of the type:
For full details about configuring security, see Configuring Security.
For reference on other parameters that can be set in the “Global” configuration, see Global configuration reference
Email configuration
To enable the generation of emails from ProactivePack, the SMTP parameters and a service user and password must be set
Set the hostname, port, and optionally user & password required by the SMTP server in the Global configuration :
To enable the scheduler, provide a ProactivePack user and password with permissions to run reports in the Scheduler module configuration :
Checking the configuration
The page “Prereqs Validation” of the “Administration - About” page should be opened to verify if the main requirements are met:
The result page should be like this :
If any entry shows a failure icon, check the following table.
Note that modules may have additional requirements that are not checked here.
Problem with… |
Indicates |
AuditFile |
Indicates the audit file is not writable. May indicate a wrong (non existing) path or missing permissions. |
TraceFile |
Indicates the trace file is not writable. May indicate a wrong (non existing) path or missing permissions. |
TempFolder |
Indicates the temporary folder ($PRODUCT_HOME/tmp) is not writable. May indicate a wrong (non existing) path or missing permissions. |
UserFolder |
Indicates the temporary folder ($PRODUCT_HOME/security/users) is not writable. May indicate a wrong (non existing) path or missing permissions. |
CellConnectivity |
The cell <CellName> as provided in Global.conf cannot be reached. It may be because the name is invalid (see below), because the “mcstat” command is not available, or because the cell is down. |
CellName |
The cell <CellName> as provided in Global.conf is either not defined, or not found in the directory file (mcell.dir). It may also be a consequence of an invalid mcell.dir /MCELL_HOME setting |
DBServerConnectivity |
Indicates the DB server used for Quick Queries cannot be reached. The test is also marked as failed if the mysqli, mssql ororacle PHP extension (depending on your choice) is not loaded. |
DatabaseConnectivity |
Indicates the database used for Quick Queries cannot be reached. The test is also marked as failed if the database-specific PHP extension (depending on your choice) is not loaded |
McellDir |
Indicates that mcell.dir could not be found/read. The test is also marked as failed if McellHome is invalid (see below) |
McellHome |
Indicates the McellHome value in global.conf is invalid. |
PHPExtension: <DBType> |
Indicates that the PHP database extension is not loaded. Check php.ini |
PHPExtension: XMLWriter |
Indicates that the PHP xml writer extension is not loaded. Check php.ini |
PHPExtension: OpenSSL |
Indicates that the PHP openssl extension is not loaded. Check php.ini |
PHPParamMemoryLimit |
Value of the memory_limit parameter of php.ini. A warning shows if the value is below recommendations. |
PHPParamMaxExecutionTime |
Value of the max_execution_time parameter of php.ini. A warning shows if the value is below recommendations. |
PHPParamSessionSave |
(same as above) |
PHPParamTimeZone |
(same as above) |
PerlLoaded |
Indicates that Perl cannot be used : either because it is not present on the system, or because the PerlBin parameter in global.conf is not set |
PerlModule:Archive::Extract |
(same as above). |
PerlModule:CGI |
(same as above) |
PerlModule:POSIX |
(same as above) |
PerlModule:Storable |
(same as above) |
mclassinfo |
Indicates the command is not found or cannot execute. The test fails if McellHome is invalid. |
mcstat |
(same as above) |
mgetinfo |
(same as above) |
mgetrec |
(same as above) |
mposter |
(same as above) |
mquery |
(same as above) |
msend |
(same as above) |
msetrec |
(same as above) |
PhantomJS |
PhantomJS executable cannot run. Verify execution permissions under $PRODUCT_HOME/ressources/HighCharts-clientside and other system prerequisites. |
Wkhtmltopdf |
wkhtmtopdf executable cannot run. Verify execution permissions under $PRODUCT_HOME/ressources/HighCharts-clientside and other system prerequisites. |
Tick interval |
Change the cell configuration so that the CellTickInterval parameter value is set to 60 (or 1m) |
PostgresDB: ProactivePack |
The ProactivePack PostgreSQL database is unavailable, or the credentials are incorrect. |
PostgresDB: TrueSight |
The TrueSight PostgreSQL database is unreachable, or the credentials are incorrect. A typical issue is that network connections are disabled for this database, see Self-Service Monitoring Portal prerequisites section |
Global status script
An icon in the top banner can be animated using a script. This script can be defined in Global configuration, using the parameter GlobalStatusFile:
This script must write the following to the standard output :
<unique id>,<severity>,<message>
1. The unique id should uniquely identify the nature of the message.
2. The severity must be either OK,INFO, WARNING or CRITICAL
3. The message is free format on a single line.
The following script can be used as a sample
cd `dirname $0`
mquery -n $CellName -a PROACTIVEPACK_DB_IMPORT_EV -w "\$THIS.status == OPEN" -q -s mc_ueid,severity,msg -f CSV
InfoId="Last 12 minutes MAJOR-CRITICAL Count";
NowTS=$(date +%s)
TenMinBeforeTS=$(($NowTS - 600))
InfoCount=$(mquery -n $CellName -a EVENT -w "\$THIS.mc_arrival_time > $TenMinBeforeTS AND \$THIS.severity within [MAJOR,CRITICAL] " -q -s COUNT)
InfoMessage="Il y a $InfoCount events CRITICAL sur les 10 dernieres minutes"
echo "$InfoId,$InfoSeverity,$NowDate: $InfoMessage";
Using this script
echo "Welcome,OK,OK Message: Happy to see you";
echo "Welcome,INFO,INFO Message: Happy to see you";
echo "Welcome,WARNING,WARNING Message: Happy to see you";
echo "Welcome,CRITICAL,CRITICAL Message: Happy to see you";
Will give this output:
Custom message catalogs
You can create custom message catalogs under $PRODUCT_HOME/config/custom/locale
These message catalogs can be used to provide labels for custom event slots, or override existing labels.
You can create message catalog files named :
- messages.all – covers all languages
- messages.<language> - covers a specific language
E.G. to set a label of a custom event slot, use entries of the type :
ESlot_<slotname>=<slot label>