What's new in 24.10
This Appliance version 24.10 is based on
- Oracle Linux release
9.48.10 - Apache/2.4.
5737 - PHP 8.1.27
- PostgreSQL 16.4
- Perl 5.32
- BMC TrueSight CLI 11.3.07
- ProactivePack version 24.09
This new appliance is configured to be compliant with ANSSI-BP-028 (high) best practices. For more details, you can https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/administration/guide/recommandations-de-securite-relatives-a-un-system-gnuliux/
For details on ProactivePack, refer to the ProactivePack User and Administration Guide.
The Appliance image was built using VCenter 7.0