ProactivePack configuration
In order to integrate ProactivePack with your BMC environment, basic configuration stepss should be followed as described below.
License upload
If no license is set or expired (a license file is required for each of the ProactivePack instances), the following page will display :
Contact ProactivePack support to get a license file and upload it for each ProactivePack instance
Local authentication
By default, the ProactivePack instances of the appliance use the ProactivePack "local" authentication . A user "admin", member of the admins group, is presented out of box.
Other authentication mechanisms
Refer to the ProactivePack Administration Guide to know about other authentication options and how they are configured.
BMC TSOM integration
Refer to the ProactivePack Administration Guide to set up the mcell.dir file of ProactivePack.
Refer to the configuration page of the ProactivePack Administration Guide to set up cells where applicable.
Refer to this page to set up TSPS if you plan to use the Self-Service Monitoring Portal module.
TrueSight Presentation Server
Required only if you will use the Self-Service Monitoring Portal module.
For Self-Service Monitoring, the following configuration change must be applied.
The TrueSight Presentation Postgres database (host and https port) must be accessible from the ProactivePack server. This access is disabled by default in TrueSight. To enable :
o Open the file $TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME/truesightpserver/data/pgsql/pg_hba.conf file on the TrueSight Presentation Server
o Edit the file and add an entry as follows in the IPv4 local connections (can also be much more restrictive if local security needs it):
host truesight all trust
o Restart the TrueSight Presentation Server
i Required only if you will use the Self-Service Monitoring Portal module.
To allow ProactivePack to connect to TrueSight for SelfService Monitoring Portal (using TrueSight PostgreSQL DB and Rest API), the following configuration should be set in SelfServiceMonitoringPortal (ProactivePack Administration => Modules => SelfServiceMonitoringPortal => Edit)
1. PGSHost: TrueSight postgreSQL host (typically the TSPS hostname)
2. PGSPasswd: TrueSight postgreSQL password (as set during TSPS installation)
3. RESTAPIHost: TrueSight REST API host (typically the URL that you would use to connect to TSPS)
4. user: TrueSight presentation server user (this user needs to have full access to TrueSight)
5. password : TrueSight presentation server user password
BMC Helix Operations Management integration
To enable the BMC Helix Operations Management (BHOM) integration, refer to this page of the ProactivePack Administration Guide
BigPanda integration
To enable the BigPanda integration, refer to this page of the ProactivePack Administration Guide
Verifying the configuration
To check if all prerequisities and connections are operational, navigate to
ProactivePack Administration -> About -> Additional Information -> Prereqs validation