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System Configuration

In order to manage the appliance, a Webmin interface is available on https://<appliance IP>:1000/

It is also possible to log in to the machine itself using the “admin” linux user. The admin user can su to root (sudo su -)

System keyboard layout

The appliance that is distributed uses the French keyboard layout.

To change:

-       Log on to “webmin” from the appliance home page.

-       navigate to “Others”, “Command shell”

-       Run the command “sudo su –“

-       Type in the “admin” password

-       Use the “loadkeys” command to change the keyboard layout. For example :

loadkeys fr #for French (AZERTY) keyboard
loadkeys us #for US (QWERTY) keyboard


You can change the appliance timezone using the Webmin console :

1.       Open your browser on https://<appliance IP>/

2.       Log to webmin using the “admin” user

3.       In the Webmin main page, search for “System time” :


4.       In the “System time” dialog, open the “Change timezone” tab, chose the desired timezone and save :

5.       Back in webmin, navigate to “Others”, “PHP Configuration”, and choose to “edit manually” the file /etc/php.ini :

6.       Locate the date.timezone parameter and set it to the desired value, then save and close

7.       Go to “System”, “Bootup and Shutdown”, select the “httpd.service” in the list, and click on “Restart Now” :


Apache SSL certificates

By default, a self-signed certificate is present on the httpd server and  a warning is displayed  upon connection.

Although this is not technically mandatory you should change the apache SSL certificates using well known SSL issuers or internal PKI.

On the appliance, all standard SSL related files used by apache are located in /Data/SSL directory and used by apache in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf file.

You can create your own CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and get a CRT (Certificate) form your internal or external SSL provider.

More details on CSR creation and CRT installation can be found e.g. at

Once you have obtained the certificate, upload the files to the appliance and change Apache configuration using either

1)      Any editor such as vi on appliance to change /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

2)      Webmin interface, see procedure in the following paragraph.

Change SSL files using Webmin

In order to change the SSL files:

1)       connect to webmin (https://<virtual appliance IP>:10000/

2)      Logon using provided credential as admin

After configuration change, do not forget to apply the configuration or restart Apache web server. To do so via  Webmin: